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What Injuries Can Boating Negligence Cause?

Published on Sep 1, 2023 at 2:58 pm in Boating Injury.

What Injuries Can Boating Negligence Cause
Boating poses inherent dangers just like operating any other motor vehicle does. According to the U.S. Coast Guard (USGC) 2022 Recreational Boating Statistics report, there were 4,040 total accidents involving these water vessels. Of those incidents, 589 were fatal accidents, whereas 3,451 were non-fatal, although some undoubtedly caused injuries. If you’re curious as to what injuries can boating negligence cause, keep reading. We’ll also go into detail about why these incidents occur.

The Dangers of Drinking Alcohol While Boating

Published on Oct 7, 2019 at 12:23 pm in Boating Injury.

A row of docked boats

Many people love to go boating on the lake. Driving through the waves and anchoring somewhere calm to hang out with friends is the best way to celebrate the weekend. If you’re old enough, drinking on the boat can be fun, but you should know the dangers before partaking.

If you drink too much, boating becomes extremely dangerous. It might seem obvious, but boat drivers should always stay sober. Even passengers should not get too intoxicated because impaired judgement and balance can lead to deadly situations anywhere, but especially on the water. Although it sounds like fun at first, drinking alcohol while boating has many dangers.

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